We’re happy to share some
knowledge with you
Looking for more information on the valve industry? Our president, David Gardellin, P.E., is one of the best engineers in his field. He has written many technical articles related to valves and controls including chapters in the ISA Instrument Engineer’s Handbook and the Encyclopedia of Chemical Processing and Design. Below you will find some of his technical research articles on these topics. If you are interested in more information please contact him directly at david@onyxvalve.com.
Process Gauge Isolation
By David Gardellin, President, Onyx Valve Co
If you wish to monitor pressure on an air compressor or a cooling water line, it is fairly straight foreword to attach a gauge at some point in the line…
Classifying Sand Particles
by Size
By David Gardellin, President, Onyx Valve Co
Suppose you had a teaspoon full of sand and had to seperate it into two smaller piles based on particle size…
Protecting Progressing Cavity Slurry Pumps
By David Gardellin, President, Onyx Valve Co
A progressing cavity pump consists of a single helix metal rotor that turns inside a double helix rubber stator.
What is the pressure drop
across the valve going to be?
By David Gardellin, President, Onyx Valve Co
Pressure drop isn’t created by the valve; it’s created by your process:
Classifying Sand Particles
by Size
By David Gardellin, President, Onyx Valve Co
Suppose you had a teaspoon full of sand and had to seperate it into two smaller piles based on particle size…
Pinch Valve Semantics
By David Gardellin, President, Onyx Valve Co
Pinch valves come in many different configurations. Certain words regarding these configurations have a very specific connotation to specialists in the field.
Onyx Valve and Struvite
Reader’s Digest
By David Gardellin, President, Onyx Valve Co
A discussion of corrosion problems incurred at the bonnybrook wastewater treatment plant
Mechanical Pressure
By David Gardellin, President, Onyx Valve Co
Bourdon tube-type pressure sensors are the most common for industrial use in the family of elastic pressure elements. They have been in use for over a century.
Mechanical vs. Solid State Pressure Switches
By David Gardellin, President, Onyx Valve Co
Onyx Isolator Rings have traditionally been supplied with mechanical gauges and mechanical switches to monitor process pressure and pump performance.
The Effects of Capillary Tubing on Pressure Measurement
By David Gardellin, President, Onyx Valve Co
Capillary tubing provides a convenient method to separate a pressure instrument such as a gauge or transmitter from the actual process connection, allowing the instrument to be installed in a more accessible location.
Duty Cycle – Electric vs. Pneumatic Actuators
By David Gardellin, President, Onyx Valve Co
There are pros and cons to both pneumatic and electric actuators for valve operation. For pinch valve applications, the price break point is around the 8” size. For valves from ½” to 6” size, pneumatic actuators generally are less expensive. For valves 10” and larger, electric actuators are generally less expensive.
Using Onyx Pressure Sensor Rings for Tank Level Measurement and as a Flow Meter
By David Gardellin, President, Onyx Valve Co An isolator ring is a simple, inexpensive way to measure level on slurry applications like sewerage, sludge, and gypsum. With careful engineering an isolator ring can measure level with accuracy better than ± 1.0 inch water. With some deft engineering an isolator ring can be used as flow meter. Download Now
Sleeve Wear Detection Wire
By David Gardellin, President, Onyx Valve Co
Onyx Valve Co offers pinch valves with an embedded “Wear-Wire” molded into the sleeve. The purpose of the “wear wire” is to indicate when the rubber lining inside the sleeve has eroded through to the fabric.
Setting Pressure Switches
By David Gardellin, President, Onyx Valve Co
A guide to setting high and low trip switches for both blind mechanical, mechanical with a dial, and solid state pressure switches.